
Our Story

A few years ago when I took our oldest daughter shopping for Prom dresses, I had a pit in my stomach. After walking the entire mall, a few hours later, I realized that retail stores are not providing enough options for girls and women to showcase their true beauty but instead focus on the superficial.

With social media at our fingertips, there's an overwhelming influence to be and dress in a way that devalues our worth. I wanted to put an end to that.

I wanted to spread the message that what our bodies look like, does not define our worth as women, but rather who we are as a person.

I truly believe women were born for a sacred purpose, one of them being to create all things that are beautiful and uplifting.

So this is me, trying to do my part in providing access to women who want to feel uplifted with what they wear everyday!

The North Star symbol is to be used as a reminder that we were created for a sacred purpose and to encourage us to stay on that path.


Josselyn Nielsen